
Μια παιδική χαρά στην Κόρινθο...

. .. Καταγγελίες για καταγέλαστες αμετροέπειες στον δήμο... , Σε δυσθεώρητα ύψη μπορεί να φτάσει η αμετροέπεια των τοπικών παραγόντων. Πρ...

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Καταγγελίες για καταγέλαστες αμετροέπειες στον δήμο...
Σε δυσθεώρητα ύψη μπορεί να φτάσει η αμετροέπεια των τοπικών παραγόντων. Πριν από λίγες ημέρες, στην Κόρινθο, όπως μαθαίνουμε από το blog, επρόκειτο να γίνουν τα εγκαίνια μιας παιδικής χαράς, η οποία έγινε εξόδοις της οικογένειας Βαρδινογιάννη. Ο εκείθεν δήμαρχος Αλέξανδρος Πνευματικός είχε προσκαλέσει κόσμο και κοσμάκη. Ανάμεσά τους: τον Παναγιώτη Φασούλα, τον Παναγιώτη Ψωμιάδη, τον Αλέξη Τσίπρα, τρεις υπουργούς (Αβραμόπουλο, Βουλγαράκη, Ιωαννίδη), τον πρόεδρο της Βουλής Δημήτρη Σιούφα, αλλά και τον -κορίνθιο στην καταγωγή- γενικό γραμματέα του Υπουργείου Πολιτισμού, Θόδωρο Δραβίλλια (που διαδέχτηκε τον Χρήστο Ζαχόπουλο στη θέση αυτή.
Η εκδήλωση -για την οποία είχε εγκριθεί κονδύλι 5.500 ευρώ, από αρχικό 9.000 ευρώ- επρόκειτο να γίνει πριν από μερικές ημέρες. Τελικά, αναβλήθηκε επ’ αόριστον καθώς άπαντες οι προσκληθέντες απέρριψαν τις προσκλήσεις, ενώ ακόμα και ο δωρητής, ο Βαρδής Βαρδινογιάννης, φέρεται να δυσαρεστήθηκε από την φιέστα
που ετοίμασε ο δήμος και τον χαρακτήρα που πήρε η προσφορά του και ειδοποίησε πως δεν θα παραβρεθεί.
Ειδικότερα για τον γενικό γραμματέα του ΥΠΠΟ, οι πληροφορίες του τοπικού Τύπου αναφέρουν πως επρόκειτο να τιμηθεί με το χρυσό κλειδί της πόλης, ενώ θα ανακηρυσσόταν επίτιμος δημότης της.
Οι εν λόγω τιμητικές αναφορές (για έναν άνθρωπο που δεν είχε καμία απολύτως σχέση με την πόλη μέχρι σήμερα και ο οποίος στα βιογραφικά του αποφεύγει –επιμελώς- να κάνει οποιαδήποτε αναφορά στην κορινθιακή καταγωγή του) δεν πρέπει να είναι άσχετες με την προσπάθεια που κάνει ο δήμος Κορινθίων να προωθήσει το Γενικό Πολεοδομικό Σχέδιο και να ξεπεράσει τους σκοπέλους του ΚΑΣ και των αρχαιολογικών υπηρεσιών, των οποίων προΐσταται ο κ. Δραβίλλιας
Η τοπική εφημερίδα Πολίτης της Κορινθίας ( ) σημειώνει ότι τα παραπάνω έχουν ενδιαφέρον και σε παραπολιτικό επίπεδο. Όπως μπορεί να διαπιστώσει κανείς από τα ονόματα των προσκληθέντων, απουσιάζει παντελώς κάθε αναφορά σε στέλεχος του ΠΑΣΟΚ! Μπορεί να έχει προσκληθεί η μισή κυβέρνηση και ο πρόεδρος του ΣΥΡΙΖΑ, αλλά αντίθετα κανείς από την αξιωματική αντιπολίτευση. Όλα αυτά την ώρα που ο δήμαρχος Κορινθίων Αλ. Πνευματικός εξελέγη με τη σημαία του ΠΑΣΟΚ το 2006, ενώ θα είναι παρών και στο προσεχές Συνέδριο! Το γεγονός αυτό αναφέρθηκε και στον κυριακάτικο τύπο με σχόλιο της Κυριακάτικης Ελευθεροτυπίας, όπου σημείωναν: «Πώς είναι δυνατόν ένας δήμαρχος που εξελέγη με τη σημαία του ΠΑΣΟΚ να καλεί σε μια εκδήλωση του τόπου του μόνο κυβερνητικά στελέχη και τον Αλέξη Τσίπρα; Την απάντηση μπορεί να δώσει αποκλειστικά ο ίδιος ο Αλ. Πνευματικός, δήμαρχος Κορίνθου, ο οποίος προσκάλεσε τον Δημ. Σιούφα, τον Δημ. Αβραμόπουλο, τον Γ. Βουλγαράκη και τον Αλ.Τσίπρα να κόψουν την κορδέλα στα εγκαίνια της νέας παιδικής χαράς της πόλης (δωρεά του Β. Βαρδινογιάννη) και τους ενημέρωσε ότι θα τους τιμήσει την Παρασκευή και με πλακέτα αλλά «αμέλησε» να απευθυνθεί έστω και σ' έναν από τη Χαρ. Τρικούπη, πλην του (μοναδικού) κορίνθιου βουλευτή Π. Μπεγλίτη. Άμα έχεις τέτοιους (πολιτικούς) φίλους, τι να τους κάνεις τους εχθρούς...».
Τα παραπάνω προκάλεσαν έκπληξη στην Χαριλάου Τρικούπη και στην Βουλή, όπου βουλευτές έπιαναν τον Π. Μπεγλίτη και σχολίαζαν την συμπεριφορά του «πράσινου» δημάρχου Κορινθίων. Μάλιστα, όπως σημειώνεται στο, της τοπικής εφημερίδας Πολίτης της Κορινθίας «ο πρώην πρόεδρος της Βουλής ο Απόστολος Κακλαμάνης είπε: “Τι κάνει εκεί ο δήμαρχός σας; Καλεί όλους τους κυβερνητικούς και τον Τσίπρα, και δεν προσκαλεί κάποιον από το κόμμα που του έδωσε το χρίσμα, τι πράγματα είναι αυτά;”, ρώτησε τον Π. Μπεγλίτη, ο οποίος, όμως, δεν είχε τι να του απαντήσει καθώς μέχρι εκείνη την στιγμή δεν είχε προσκληθεί ούτε ο ίδιος»!
Στην κωμωδία αντέδρασε και ο ΣΥΡΙΖΑ ο οποίος δια της Νομαρχιακής του Επιτροπής στην Κορινθία σημειώνει: «Η Ν.Ε. του ΣΥΝΑΣΠΙΣΜΟΥ Κορινθίας κρίνει αναγκαίο να απαντήσει στις απίθανες και καταγέλαστες αμετροέπειες του δήμου Κορινθίων όσον αφορά τα εγκαίνια της παιδικής χαράς στα Περιβολάκια, εμπλέκοντας μεταξύ άλλων και τον πρόεδρο του ΣΥΝΑΣΠΙΣΜΟΥ, Αλέξη Τσίπρα. Πέρα από τη γενική θυμηδία που προκαλεί όλη υπόθεση, διευκρινίζουμε ότι ο πρόεδρος του Συνασπισμού ουδεμία σχέση μπορεί να έχει με όσα επιχειρούν να στήσουν οι ελαφρόνοες της δημοτικής αρχής, υποτιμώντας τον ρόλο του και τις ευθύνες του ως πολιτικού προσώπου.Τέτοιες ενέργειες συνιστούν προσβολή για πολιτικά πρόσωπα αλλά και για τους πολίτες της Κορίνθου, που έχουν πια αντιληφθεί ότι η δημοτική αρχή έχει επιδείξει προβληματική ασυνέπεια και επικίνδυνη ολιγωρία στην αντιμετώπιση των άμεσα ζωτικών προβλημάτων της πόλης, που στενάζει πια από το βάρος των σκουπιδιών, τα θρίλερ των χωματερών, το ανεξέλεγκτο κυκλοφοριακό .. και ουκ εστίν τέλος στις ανεπάρκειες σας, κ.κ. δημοτικοί άρχοντες! Η νηπιώδης αντίληψη για το ρόλο της τοπικής αυτοδιοίκησης και η πολιτική μωρία και ανευθυνότητα γίνονται παράγοντες που εκθέτουν την πόλη, την πισωγυρίζουν γι’ άλλη μια φορά και συνιστούν επικίνδυνη τροχοπέδη για την εξέλιξη της, σύμφωνα με τις επιταγές της σύγχρονης εποχής".

11 σχόλια

  1. First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly

  2. Όλα τα ζωντανά περίγυρα, χτήνη, δέντρα και άνθρωποι, έπλεκαν ακυβέρνητα μέσα στην αποθάρρυνση και την ανία. Μέσα τους είχαν κάτι τι ανήσυχο• επίβουλο κάτι επεριπετούσεν ολόγυρά τους• ο εφιάλτης αδάμαστος εκαθόταν στην ψυχή και την ανάγκαζε να ποθή αόριστα και όμως ασυμβίβαστα με τη ζωή και την αποστολή της. Τα χτήνη με τη μύτη ακουμπισμένη στη γη, τ’ αυτιά κάτω ριγμένα, την ουρά αργοκίνητη, βασιλεμένα τα μάτια εφρύμαζαν και αναχαράζονταν κι ετρεμούλιαζαν το σώμα, λες κι επάσχιζαν να διώξουν την ασφυξία που θανατική τα ετριγύριζε. Τα δέντρα, με τα φύλλα κρεμασμένα στα κλωνάρια τους, άψυχα μόλις εκινούνταν με φρικίαση στο λαβρόκαφτο φύσημα.

  3. μα δεν του το κάνανε suspend!
    δουλεύει κανονικά.

    αν είναι αυτός ο σεντονάς σίγουρα, τότε υπάρχει και το DDOS denial OF service attack.


  5. Αγαπητοί και εξαιρετικοί μου φίλοι

    Πάντα σημαντικά νέα και πληροφορίες..

    Αυτό όλοι το θυμόμαστε…
    Μιλάμε για τα περίφημα 41 μέτρα κατά της ακρίβειας, που εξήγγειλε με πομπώδη τρόπο η κυβέρνηση με κεινο το καλοκάγαθο ανθρωπάκι Φούλια κάπως έτσι τον λένε , παραμένουν , στη συντριπτική τους πλειοψηφία, στο συρτάρι και αποδεικνύονται ασφαλώς επικοινωνιακά πυροτεχνήματα.

    Επιπλέον, αυτή την στιγμή, κατά τον μήνα Φεβρουάριο, ο πληθωρισμός έχει εκτοξευτεί κατά μισή μονάδα, δηλαδή, στο 4,5% και, πλέον, καταγράφει την υψηλότερη αύξηση της τελευταίας εξαετίας. Καλούμε την κυβέρνηση να αφήσει την επικοινωνία, να ασχοληθεί επιτέλους σοβαρά με την προστασία του εισοδήματος των εργαζομένων, την ενίσχυση της αγοραστικής δύναμης των ελληνικών οικογενειών και, βεβαίως, να ασχοληθεί με την ευρύτερη ανάπτυξη της οικονομίας.
    Ψήλους στα άχυρα θα μου πείτε… Είναι σε θέση? Υπάρχει κανένας Έλληνας που μπορεί να πει ότι είναι σε θέση να το κάνουν?
    Η κατρακύλα της οικονομίας μας συνεχίζεται με αμείωτο ρυθμο. Αλίμονο μας. Όσο είναι στην εξουσία τόσο κινδυνεύουμε…
    Ελπίζουμε οι μήνες των να είναι μετρημένοι..
    Η ελπίδα όλων μας στρέφεται πλεον στην παραλία του Φαλήρου όπου κει στο 8ο Συνέδριο του ΠΑΣΟΚ βγει κάτι θετικό και ελπιδοφόρο για τους Έλληνες.. Εκεί μόνο υπάρχουν ελπίδες ...

    Πάντα με εκτίμηση

  6. Αγαπητοί και εξαιρετικοί μου φίλοι

    Πάντα σημαντικά νέα και πληροφορίες..

    Αυτό όλοι το θυμόμαστε…
    Μιλάμε για τα περίφημα 41 μέτρα κατά της ακρίβειας, που εξήγγειλε με πομπώδη τρόπο η κυβέρνηση με κεινο το καλοκάγαθο ανθρωπάκι Φούλια κάπως έτσι τον λένε , παραμένουν , στη συντριπτική τους πλειοψηφία, στο συρτάρι και αποδεικνύονται ασφαλώς επικοινωνιακά πυροτεχνήματα.

    Επιπλέον, αυτή την στιγμή, κατά τον μήνα Φεβρουάριο, ο πληθωρισμός έχει εκτοξευτεί κατά μισή μονάδα, δηλαδή, στο 4,5% και, πλέον, καταγράφει την υψηλότερη αύξηση της τελευταίας εξαετίας. Καλούμε την κυβέρνηση να αφήσει την επικοινωνία, να ασχοληθεί επιτέλους σοβαρά με την προστασία του εισοδήματος των εργαζομένων, την ενίσχυση της αγοραστικής δύναμης των ελληνικών οικογενειών και, βεβαίως, να ασχοληθεί με την ευρύτερη ανάπτυξη της οικονομίας.
    Ψήλους στα άχυρα θα μου πείτε… Είναι σε θέση? Υπάρχει κανένας Έλληνας που μπορεί να πει ότι είναι σε θέση να το κάνουν?
    Η κατρακύλα της οικονομίας μας συνεχίζεται με αμείωτο ρυθμο. Αλίμονο μας. Όσο είναι στην εξουσία τόσο κινδυνεύουμε…
    Ελπίζουμε οι μήνες των να είναι μετρημένοι..
    Η ελπίδα όλων μας στρέφεται πλεον στην παραλία του Φαλήρου όπου κει στο 8ο Συνέδριο του ΠΑΣΟΚ βγει κάτι θετικό και ελπιδοφόρο για τους Έλληνες.. Εκεί μόνο υπάρχουν ελπίδες ...

    Πάντα με εκτίμηση

  7. Αγαπητοί και εξαιρετικοί μου φίλοι,

    Σημαντικά νέα και διαπιστώσεις πάντα.

    Ο Γιώργος Ανδρέα Παπανδρέου, ηγέτης της δημοκρατικής παράταξης, προστάτης εμάς των ομοφυλόφιλων, μπροστά στην απειλή του να μείνει η χώρα στο σκοτάδι, έχει λύση και στο ενεργειακό.

    Όταν το ΠΑΣΟΚ έλθει στην κυβέρνηση, θα μου συνδέσει ένα ηλεκτροπαραγωγό ζεύγος στον κώλο, έτσι ώστε την ώρα που με γαμάνε να αποθηκεύεται η ενέργεια σαν ηλεκτρική. Τα γαμήσια που τρώω θα διασφαλίσουν την ενεργειακή επάρκεια της χώρας.

    Τέτοιες μεγαλοφυείς ιδέες του Γιώργου Ανδρέα Παπανδρέου θα μας οδηγήσουν και πάλι στην κυβέρνηση.

    Πάντα με εκτίμηση,

  8. Περνάει ο Στρατός Κατοχής της ΓΕΝΟΠ,
    Του Έλληνα Πολίτη ο σκληρός τιμωρός,
    στο πέρασμά του πέφτει η τάση δεν έχουμε φώς
    και προς το Εφάπαξ περπατεί.

    Περνάει ο Στρατός Κατοχής της ΓΕΝΟΠ,
    Κλειστείτε στ’ ασανσέρ τι μας νοιάζει εμάς,
    Ψοφήστε και χωρίς τα οξυγόνα σας,
    Τα κεκτημένα μας νάναι καλά,
    στο διάβα η ΓΕΝΟΠ διακόπτες κλείνει
    και μωβ κορδέλλες παντού σκορπά.

    Καμαρωτά περνούν τα φασιστάκια μας,
    πατσοκοιλιές σπέρνουνε τσαμπουκά,
    Φωτόπουλος και Ρίζος τα συνδικαλιστάκια μας
    που στον πολίτη σκορπούν θανατικό.

  9. Αγαπητοί και εξαιρετικοί μου φίλοι

    Πάντα σημαντικά νέα και πληροφορίες..

    Kαι ακαρτέρει και ακαρτέρει τα τσιμπούκια τα πολλά,
    καταπίνω και ρουφάω
    όλων των ειδών καβλιά


    (από την Διακύρηξη Αρχών μου)

    είπαμε ο babis είναι παρτούζα μόνος του

    ο babis ανήκει σ' αυτούς που τον γαμάνε

    Τον ενιωθα κολλημενο πανω μου, σκληρο, ετοιμο κατω απο το τζην του... Γυρισα κι αρχισα να τον φιλαω με τον ιδιο τροπο.. Σηκωσα το μπλουζακι του κι ακολουθησα την ιδια διαδρομη, μεχρι το κουμπωμα του τζην του, το ανοιξα, ελευθερωσα τον ερεθισμενο του πουτσο και τον πηρα στο στομα μου... Εσπρωξε με δυναμη και κοντεψε να με πνιξει, το κεφαλι μου χτυπησε στην πορτα της τουαλετας, αλλα δε με ενοιαζε τιποτα. Τον ειχα εκει, και ηταν δικος μου... Ηταν χοντρος και οχι πολυ μεγαλος, αλλα τον ηθελα παντου μεσα μου... "Ρουφα, ρουφα" ψιθυριζε, προσπαθωντας να μην ακουστει απεξω... Κατεβασα το παντελονι του και πηρα στο στομα μου τα μπαλακια του ρουφωντας τα και κανοντας τον να βογγηξει απο ηδονη...

    πάντα με εκτίμηση


  10. Καλά, δεν έχετε διαβάσει τίποτε για τον ηλίθιο κοινοτάρχη που απηύθυνε επίσημες προσκλήσεις υπό μορφήν διαγγέλματος;
    « Προς άπαντας τους προέδρους, δημάρχους, βουλευτάς, υφυπουργούς, υπουργούς, πρωθυπουργούς και αρχηγούς κρατών της υφ’ Ημάς Επικρατείας.

    Μεθαύριο και περί ώραν Χ θα τελεσθεί επίσημος Δοξολογία κλπ. …
    Κατά το ανωτέρω χρονικό διάστημα απαγορεύονται φωνασκίες
    εις τους δρόμους ….
    Ωσαύτως απαγορεύεται να κυκλοφορούν ελεύθεροι οι σκύλοι κλπ…
    Απαγορεύονται επίσης οι σεισμοί, το χαλάζι κλπ. , κλπ. …
    Καλούνται άπαντες οι ανωτέρω προσκεκλημένοι να ευρίσκονται εις τον καθιερωμένον χώρον …

    Εκ του Γραφείου της Ημετέρας εξοχότητος

    Σφραγίς – Υπογραφή
    Και για την αντιγραφή


  11. Ξέχασε να καλέσει τον Baraψk Obama και τον Putin για τα εγκαίνια της ψωρό παιδικής χαράς του ο Δήμαρχος...


ΠΡΟΣΟΧΗ! Την ευθύνη για το περιεχόμενο των σχολίων φέρει αποκλειστικά ο συγγραφέας τους και όχι το site. Η ανάρτηση των σχολίων μπορεί να έχει μια μικρή χρονική καθυστέρηση

Αρχειοθήκη ιστολογίου



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